We recently unveiled our new bass drum, proudly sponsored by Durty Nelly's.
We appreciate their generous support and now ask that you follow their lead by donating to our organization!
Any donations of $200.00 will be acknowledged, with your consent, in the following ways:
1. Inclusion on our online Donor List.
2. Announcements acknowledging your donation during appropriate events.
3. Acknowledgement on one of our snare or tenor drums!
Download a donation_form now! If you would like more information please email us.
Donating In Memoriam Make a donation in memory of a family member, friend or colleague, and we will send a letter on your behalf acknowledging your thoughtful donation.
Donating In Honour or In Celebration Make a donation in honour of someone special in your life or a special event such as a birthday, graduation, wedding, anniversary, thank you to a special teacher/friend or milestone. We will send a letter on your behalf acknowledging your thoughtful donation.
Individual donors will receive an official tax receipt confirming your donation.